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FEMA Courses starting April 24

Direct from Matt Holden, KØBBC, Minnesota Section PIC:

An outstanding emergency communication course is being offered online

to all interested amateur radio operators. Please share this offering

with your club members.

AERO 101: Introduction to Emergency Communications for the Amateur

Radio Operator

When: April 24th, 2021

Prerequisites: ICS 100 (FEMA Course IS100) and ICS 700 (FEMA Course

IS700). Certificate of completion will need to be sent in. Both FEMA

courses are free, available online and take just a couple of hours to

complete. Both are available at

Course Objectives

 Describe the roles of amateur radio operators in emergency communications

 Be able to describe the role of amateur radio during emergency

communications and list

potential agencies that may be served

 Be able to describe appropriate etiquette and professional interactions during

emergency communications operations

 Be able to describe what a “net” is and how they are used

 Be able to describe basic net operations

 Be able to demonstrate proper basic radio communications skills

 Be able to describe the purpose, use, and benefits of the Incident

Command System

 Be able to list and demonstrate how to complete pertinent ICS forms

used in radio


After completing FEMA ICS 100 & 200 e-mail to

reserve your spot at this online training session.


Matt Holden KØBBC

Minnesota Section Public Information Coordinator (PIC)

Minnesota ARES Southwest District Emergency Coordinator (DEC)

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